Just a few notes from the studio

Just a few quick notes from the studio.....

Spring has finally sprung here, and it seems like everything has been busy at the same time, both with the little, and now not so little ones, and also here in the studio.
With spring comes many more activities, and also spring break for the big college one. I was very happy to get to have him home most of last week.
He did sleep quite a bit though!

French Eiffel tower pendant available on Etsy. Click on photo for details.

little French girl front and back. Available on my etsy.
click on photo for details.

"True Love" Available on my Etsy
click on photo for details

Look what the stork brought!

And amidst all of the hustle and bustle ,
look what arrived for me last week from Germany.

I was simply tickled! I love all of their painted shoes.
Definitely a new project a-brewing
as these lovelies need to get dressed!
Their story to be continued........

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